Tuesday, May 10, 2005


The Whole World Changed in the 60's.

The whole world changed in the 60's.
Politically, it was the difference
Between Eisenhower and Kennedy.
Between "duck and cover" drills at school,
And real bombs over the Mekong.
Between battlefield glory
Depicted in World War II movies,
And Viet Nam,
Splattered uncensored on the nightly news.
Between conformity and protest.
Between colored people "knowing their place,"
And blacks "having a dream."
Between housewives in house dresses,
And feminists burning their bras.
Between "the man in the moon,"
And Neil Armstrong actually walking on the moon.
Between starting the school day with the Lord's prayer
And Madeline Murray O'hare.
The whole world changed in the 60's.

It was also the difference
Between leaving your key in the ignition,
And having to lock your car.
Between throwing coins
On top of the stack of newspapers
After choosing your copy,
And buying a paper from a locked vending box.
Between taking the the number 8 bus
To the big department stores downtown,
And driving to and hanging out at the new suburban shopping center.
Between one car per family,
And "crazy women drivers."
Between milk,
Delivered to your doorstep
In glass bottles,
And buying milk in cartons
At the grocery store.
Between paying a deposit on soda bottles,
Then having to return them
To get your money back,
And "no deposit, no return" throw-away bottles.
The whole world changed in the 60's.

Between Annette as a Mouseketeer,
And Annette playing "Beach Party Bingo."
Between "Around the World in Eighty Days,"
And "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World."
Between Elvis and the Beatles.
(Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
Crewcuts to long hair.
Peddle pushers to bell bottoms.
The whole world changed in the 60's.

Between a little place called Hamburger Junction,
Where a model train carrying your plate
Stopped in front of your seat
At the lunch counter,
And driving in to McDonald's
And eating In your car.
Trademarks went from round and ornate
To square and simple.
Script Coca-Cola to block letter Coke.
Esso to Exxon.
The fancy engraved bell of the phone company
To a simple blue-line hint of a bell.
The whole world changed in the 60's.

On TV, it was the difference
Between black and white, and the NBC peacock.
Between "I Love Lucy" and Mary Tyler Moore.
"Father Knows Best" and "Bewitched."
"The Lone Ranger" and "Bonanza."
Mickey Mouse and Fred Flintstone.
"The $64,000 Question" and "The Match Game."
Lassie and Mr. Ed.
The whole world changed in the 60's.

Clothing kept us ironing everything in the 50's,
But the 60's had "drip-dry" dresses
And "no-iron" shirts.
Guys went from boxer shorts to briefs.
(We've come full circle on that one.)
I tenderly mothered my "Tiny Tears" doll in the 50's,
While my 60's little sisters dressed Barbie for the prom.
I used real potatoes on my Mr. Potato Head.
The 60's version came with a plastic potato shaped head.
The whole world changed in the 60's.

We also discontinued arithmetic
And started taking math.
I went from ankle socks to stockings.
(Not bobbie socks like the song says.)
Saddle shoes to penny loafers.
Pony tail to teased hair.
My book bag and a lunch box,
carried to elementary school,
Were replaced in Junior high and high school
By a brown paper lunch bag.
And books carried just so
In the crook of my left arm,
And a 50's child emerged as a 60's adolescent.
My whole world changed in the 60's.

While the lists are interesting in a nostalgic sense, I would have rather seen a series of poems with a deeper exploration of individual items. The ones that grabbed me as having the most metaphorical potential were:

"And books carried just so/In the crook of my left arm"

"Where a model train carrying your plate/Stopped in front of your seat"

"Trademarks went from round and ornate/To square and simple"
Thanks for the suggestion. I could see myself expanding on some of these ideas. It is of note that younger readers have told me they don't really get the contrasts, like what is it that is really different. It's just all in the past to them and a big contrast with what is now.
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